Max Planck PhDnet
Max Planck Digital Library
Amalienstr. 33
80799 Munich
Phone +49 (0)89 909311-227 / -224
PhDnet Open Science Working Group

The Max Planck PhDnet is a platform for exchange among the about 5000 PhD candidates working at 86 Max Planck Institutes of the Max Planck Society across all three sections Biology & Medicine (BMS), Chemistry, Physics & Technology (CPT), and Humanities & Social Sciences (HS). One of the Working Groups in the PhDnet is the Open Science Working Group. The Open Science working group aims towards making science in the Max Planck Society more accessible and transparent. To pursue this we work together with early career researchers, senior researchers and administrative staff locally at the institutes and more globally in the whole MPS.
Contact at: open [dot] science [at] phdnet [dot] mpg [dot] de
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) in Munich is a central institution of the Max Planck Society. It supports Max Planck Society (MPG) scientists from all 84 institutes with a broad service portfolio and provides easy access to data, scientific literature, commercial software licenses, scientific communication tools and services, and research-related software applications.
Contact at: osip [at] mpdl [dot] mpg [dot] de
- Stefanie Andergassen | MPDL Collections, Open Science in Practice Team
- Martin Boosen | MPDL Collections, Open Science in Practice Team
- Michael Franke | MPDL Collections, Open Science in Practice Team
- Catherina Hofmann | MPDL Collections, Open Science in Practice Team
- Larissa Leiminger | MPDL Collections, Open Science in Practice Team
- David Walter | MPDL Collections, Open Science in Practice Team