Speakers and Workshop Instructors 2024

Marcel Meistring - Talk 1: "Digitality in Science"

Marcel Meistring studied Library Management at the FH Potsdam and Digital Data Management (M.A. DDM) at the HU Berlin/ FH Potsdam. After working at the Library and Information Services Section at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences for many years, he has been working as an Open Science Officer at the Helmholtz Open Science Office since 2023. He there is responsible for the Task Groups “Quality Indicators for Software- and Data Products” and “OA-Transformation” and is involved in the DFG-project Transform2Open.

Richard McElreath - Talk 2: "Open Science in the Max Planck Society"

Richard is director at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and author of the popular Bayesian statistics textbook, Statistical Rethinking. A major focus of his research is integrating theory with data analysis and study design, and he spends much of his time supporting his colleagues in that way.

Carsten Fortmann-Grote - Workshop 1: "Research Software Engineering for Reproducible High Performance Scientific Computing"

Carsten Fortmann-Grote leads the Scientific Computing Services Unit at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. Prior to this, he was a Scientist for Simulations at European XFEL GmbH and a Scientific Software Developer at QuantumWise A/S, Copenhagen working on developing the next generation of atomistic simulations for the semiconductor industry. Carsten Fortmann-Grote completed his PhD in Theoretical Physics at Rostock University.  His interest lies is in applying high-performance and high throughput computing in data processing, data analysis, and numerical simulations of dynamical processes.

Karla Escobar - OSA Talk:

Karla L. Escobar-Hernández is a historian and political scientist from the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). She holds a Master’s degree in History from the same institution and a Master’s in the History of the Hispanic World from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (Spain). Karla received her PhD in Law from the Universidad de los Andes, having conducted her doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, where she is now a postdoctoral fellow. In line with the principles of Open Science, Karla’s research emphasizes the openness of knowledge and the co-creation of inclusive, community-based narratives. By weaving together multimedia storytelling and video communication, she looks to contribute to citizen science by building collaborative spaces where legal historical knowledge can be developed alongside indigenous communities.

Maike Kleemeyer - OSA Talk:

Maike Kleemeyer is a Research Data Management Coordinator in the department of Library and Research Information at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany. She also completed her PhD and postdoc on Lifespan Psychology here. Her main interests involve Exploiting the synergies of a standardized data structure and Reproducibility in science.

Sascha Eckhold - Workshop 2: "Open Educational Resources"

Sascha Eckhold is a trained IT Specialist and studied Media Communication with a focus on media pedagogy at the Technische Universität Chemnitz where his masters thesis examined gender roles in fictional film. He was head of media and IT at a faculty of Leipzig University and is now an educator for technology-enhanced teaching at the Freie Universität Berlin. At the university library he is responsible for information and services regarding the use of Open Educational Resources.

Maike Kleemeyer, David Walter, Larissa Leiminger - Workshop 3: "FAIR Research Data Management"

This workshop was developed by Maike Kleemeyer, Larissa Leiminger, David Walter and Laura Meier for the LMU & MPG Open Science Summer School and further improved and adapted to meet the needs of the OSA Meeting. Maike Kleemeyer is a Research Data Management Coordinator at the MPI for Human Development. Larissa Leiminger is the Project Manager for Open Science at the Max Planck Digital Library. David Walter is the Research Data Management Officer at the Max Planck Digital Library and Laura Meier is in the Research Data Management team of the LMU University Library.

Ira Mathe - OSA Workshop: "Speed Drafting of Policy Language"